I have been reading blogs for a couple of years now and considering starting my own. The first obstacle I had to overcome was whether or not I wanted to put my life and my children's lives out there. I decided that since I have approximately 387945 pictures of them on Facebook already, and countless status updates regarding their attitudes and shenanigans, it probably wasn't that big of a stretch to move to blogging.
Then, the dilemma of choosing a blog name and subject. As a stay-at-home mom, my life really is consumed with my children. Obviously this is destined to be a blog largely about motherhood. After many rejected ideas, I decided on the current name. Not sure if it will stick or not, but it is the most common nickname we use for both of our children.
There is a lot more to consider when starting a blog as I learned from Metropolitan Mama. After worrying about totally messing up before I even started, I just decided to jump in! So here it goes!